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Parkha Kaul, Dr. Shruti Aggarwal, Dr. Parmanand

Keyword Agile transformation, organizational change, project team, Process control model and Agile values.


Software project companies are increasingly delivering complicated, customized software products and services. As a result of the difficulties of working in dynamic and unexpected software delivery settings, Agile techniques were created. As obligatory guidelines, there are four basic ideals and twelve guiding principles in the Agile Manifesto. However, its execution is highly dependent on project teams and their organizational environment in each scenario. The Agile technique is highly linked to team values as well as the overall corporate culture in a specific team setting when used in daily cooperation. Team values, in turn, are dependent on team members and their motivation, which is fueled by autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Project team values change because of Agile transformation, which is the focus of this research. As empirical research, a desk review, and findings of various case study analyses in firms experiencing Agile transformation are given. Researchers found that project teams' values are affected by the Agile transformation process. According to the results, an Agile transformation had an influence on a project team's attitude to work organization, which could be examined from a range of views ranging from a sense of humor to a feeling of bravery and concentration. Project values, as well as the agility and culture of the project organization, may be impacted by large organizational changes.


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Vol. 41 No. 11 (2022)